Randersonhall Ltd can offer its services on a consultancy basis at the customer's premises or at our own offices.
Initial testing and development for new hardware prototypes.
Development of small kernels or the porting of existing proprietary
(eg Windows
or VxWorks) and Open Source Operating Systems (eg GNU/Linux ,
iTRON ).
Device driver development.
New hardware can often benefit by a software interface to an existing Operating System. This allows access from User processes in a controlled and safe manner. Operating systems usually define a well documented, generic interface that allows the incorporation of the hardware. Various interfaces options are available ranging from tightly coupled local busses, USB to stand-alone web server.
PLC communications' modules (eg Modbus, ....)
User interfaces based on small LCD screens to large scale GUIs and web systems (PowerBuilder, Qt, Zope, Java Applets) connected to Databases (Eg Sculptor, Oracle, MySQL)
Reverse Engineering - for documentation (eg using UML)or to allow modification of unsupported or obsolescent systems .
Office systems design and building (Accounts, analysis and interfacing to shop floor)
Industrial automation and interfacing to office systems.
Much second-user industrial machinery can be updated or automated which brings about many benefits such as speeding setup, repeatability and accuracy of orders and if connected to office order scheduling systems faster response to late orders. Results of manufacture can be fed back to office systems for billing, accounting and monitoring of progress.
Real time development.
Many operating systems provide defined and predictable response times, not only for interrupt servicing but for user and system process scheduling. Real-time Linux offers the combination of an easy to use development and run-time platform together with a hard real-time micro-kernel layer.
Design and prototyping.
Research, evaluation and advice on available microcontrollers.
PCB layout and prototype manufacture.
Complete Systems
Using industry standard Graphical User Interfaces, PLCs and communication protocols (eg InTouch, FieldBus).
Valve control and sequencing.